Pets of the Month

Fringe is honored to be the A&E Pet of the Month! Fringe is a red-tri border collie and has been in our lives since puppyhood; she is now 12 1/2. Her passion is to play the sport of dog agility which is a kind of obstacle course for dogs. She also likes to bark. :-)


Ruby D
Ruby is 5 years old. She has 2 feline sisters and her best friend is Eddie the Airedale. She is an avid squirrel chaser and she loves doggie treats. She, in my eyes, is the best dog in the world!

Hamilton is a Western Hognose snake who belongs to Mikaela here at Animal and Exotic. He enjoys being exactly as his house suggests: very crabby. He has a cute upturned nose he uses for digging and often hides for several days before making his way to the surface of his enclosure. Hamilton loves to explore but needs to have a close eye kept on him in case he decides to make a break for it with his small size.


When Bijou found out he was the A&E Pet of the Month, he was thrilled! He turns two in May, and has been my roommate since he was just nine weeks old. Some of Bijou's favorite things include riding in the car, playing fetch with his mice toys, and if you can believe it, splashing around in the bathtub. Bij probably just thinks he's a dog, but that makes him one unique cat indeed.


Our Kodiak is truly a dream come true for us. About 10 years ago now, we started researching and dreaming about having an Akita someday. And way back then we decided that when that finally happened, however many years in the future, that his name would be Kodiak. And finally, in May of 2015 our amazing Kody was born and soon came home to us. And with a lot (as in a WHOLE WHOLE lot!!) of training and classes and patience and commitment, he has become every bit the amazing addition to our family that we dreamed of. Kody has the most beautiful combination of a strong, sharp and independent mind, combined with a the sweetest, softest and most tender heart in the whole world. He truly is just the most beautiful soul ~ both inside and out. Most days Kody can be found chewing on a new fresh bone from the local butcher and playing with his many favorite toys (he LOVES his toys!), a few of which include a pink rubber pig that grunts, a monkey that "sings," a talking hedgehog and a big soft, stuffed socker ball, or any one of his dozens of tennis balls that he loves to have thrown for him in the yard (who says Akitas won't fetch?! ) And if he's not at home playing in the house and yard, he's on his daily walk with his humans through the neighborhood, or in the car with us as we do our errands and are out and about around town (he quite possibly loves car rides more than anything!!) He has also just recently started going to doggie daycare each week where he gets to play with friends, familiar and new!! So, our beloved Kodiak is truly a gift beyond words to us, and we can't thank Dr. Jina and Kelsey and the staff at the AEWC enough for helping to keep our sweet boy happy and healthy on his journey though this life!! We are BLESSED!!


Oakley & Nox
Oakley is my 1.5 year old split face Algerian dark grey hedgehog. He's my grumpy guy of the two. His mission is sleeping all day and getting his nightly fix of superworms. Nox is my 4 month old cinnicot hedgehog. He's a lot less timid and more affectionate than Oaks. He loves his mealworms and running on his wheel all night. He's also the biggest cuddle bug when he comes out every night to see me. They both share a Chihuahua and feline sister, and also a ball python brother!


Saffron is a Moluccan Cockatoo who has been coming to Animal and Exotic since 2009. These birds can live to be 70 years old. Saffron, at 26, has plenty of time left to continue to visit us! She enjoys talking and singing around the house, and as you can see she is very photogenic!


Duke & Kona
Duke is a seven year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever who received a major surprise when his seventeen week old sister Kona arrived! As you can see they get along well now! They share quality time at Animal and Exotic Wellness Center when they come in for their chiropractic appointments.


D'Artagnan & Athos
D'Artagnan, nicknamed Dartag or Tag, and Athos, or Big Toe, just turned a year old! They were adopted from an accidental litter and have been coming to AEWC since. As they've grown, and at 15 pounds each they have certainly grown, they've gotten into more and more trouble. Athos recently got into the bathroom and found the toothbrush, as you can see in his picture. D'Artagnan enjoys beating up his brother and napping with his mom and dad. They are very cuddly and vocal boys, and continue to provide entertainment for everyone around!


Ithaca is a newly turned one year old ball python. The color and pattern you see is called a morph, and her morph is a Black Pewter Lesser Het Ghost if you want to know the specifics! Ithaca's favorite thing to do is eat and take part in photo shoots. Ball pythons make wonderful pets but need very specific environmental requirements which make keeping them more difficult. Always do your research if you're looking to get a new pet!

Jaxx, 2, is an Old English Sheepdog (OES) She comes from a Show Breeder in Wisconsin. She is pretty much at her max weight of 62 lbs where males can get up to 90-100 lbs. Some unique features, she doesn’t shed, so monthly grooming is necessary and of course daily brushing if she has long hair. Her hair is short in the summer and long in the winter. Her hair is very very soft. She loves everyone she comes in contact with. They are her best friend at first sight. She loves to give kisses to everyone. She is fantastic with children. She has a very soft heart and will sit on your lap. She loves being petted and when it’s not enough she will ask for more with a paw!
She loves all dogs that are nice to her and loves puppy play dates and doggy daycare. She is always happy and loves to play and will make you play with her when ever she demands it. She will fetch, tug, play chase and even wrestle you. She wraps a leg around your leg on purpose. Loves play time. She likes to get everyone’s shoes and have you chase her. She generally goes on two walks a day for a total of 3 miles. She can shake, high 5, rollover and speak as long as you have a treat! She is an excellent guard dog and very loyal to her master. She knows many words but her favorites are, Walk, Car ride, Treat (of course) and Nap!